What are Home Care Packages?
A Home Care Package provides Government funded services that can help you remain at home for longer, as well as providing choice and flexibility in the way that the care and support is provided. Services may include personal or domestic assistance, food and nursing services, medication supervision, transport, home maintenance, and mobility equipment.
There are four levels of Home Care Packages, ranging from basic care needs to high care needs. Services are based around your individual needs, allowing you to decide on the type of care you receive, how it is delivered and who providers that care.

Information guides
![CDC: Giving you a choice. [Source: Shutterstock]](https://agedcareguide-assets.imgix.net/news/articles/wp/supermarket-reaching.jpg?fm=pjpg&w=500&format=auto&q=65)
What is Consumer Directed Care (CDC) in home care?
Flexibility and choice is the future direction of aged care. This means the industry can uphold the rights and wishes of older people who are receiving care and services.

An introduction to home care
Living independently in your own home is not always easy when you get older.