How polio-affected Aussies achieved Paralympic and Olympic status As the Paris Games take centre stage, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the stories of two Australians who survived polio and...
The aged care Star Ratings are changing — here’s why The new report sets the stage for important reforms, affecting providers and families alike.
One in three Australians say their partner’s hearing loss makes communication difficult What is a lesser known impact of hearing loss for older Australians?
Consumers Industry Advice Valentine’s Day: keeping the love alive in aged care Are there options for older Australians to live in the same aged care homes as their partners?
Consumers Industry Advice The importance of connection for people with dementia A collaboration between Dementia Australia and VistaPrint Australia could improve awareness of dementia in Australia
Consumers Industry Advice Heatwave warning issued across Australia: when to worry How can you look after yourself during the expected heatwaves across Australia?
Consumers Industry Allied Health An Australian app for older people is an international digital health award finalist How is an interactive app being used in aged care settings to improve health outcomes?
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers One Aussie engineer is transforming at-home medical care for older Australians Instead of going to the hospital, could older Australians receive quality medical care at home with this innovative...
Consumers Industry Allied Health Almost 290 COVID-19 outbreaks were active in Australian aged care homes this week Recent data indicates changes in the current COVID-19 outbreaks — are you affected?
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers Top tips: celebrating Christmas with loved ones with dementia Feeling overwhelmed this festive season? Free helplines are available for people with and without dementia in Australia
Consumers Industry Advice A call to clinicians to improve screening and intervention of post-polio conditions in older Australians Are you experiencing unexplained symptoms such as tiredness? Polio Australia urges health professionals to screen older...
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers Barossa Park Lodge celebrates 10th anniversary with residents How did residents celebrate their aged care precinct’s 10-year anniversary?
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers Australian Government passes new Aged Care Act in Parliament Why is the passing of the Aged Care Act Bill so important for older Australians and aged care providers?
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers Huge changes to the Support at Home program spark praise from older Aussies and advocates What is the expected impact of the changes to the upcoming Support at Home program?
Consumers Industry Health and Wellbeing NSW Uniting residents become published authors in a retirement community Recently published retirees prove that it’s never too late to try something new
Consumers Industry More Australians are calling advocacy services for help with aged care concerns What caused an increase in the number of calls to advocacy services from Australians with concerns about aged care?
Consumers Industry Advice What are my medication management options in Australia? Managing your medications may seem difficult but it doesn’t have to be
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers Accessing free dementia information just got easier for Queenslanders of all ages Dementia Australia’s free information sessions can help increase Australians’ understanding of what...
Consumers Industry Allied Health How carers tackle a controversial decision and why they do it Palliative care allows Australians at the end of their lives to be more comfortable, but some may chose another option
Consumers Industry Advice Some older Australians can’t contact emergency services after network closure Telstra and Optus are closing their 3G networks on October 28, 2024, with experts warning older Australians to check the...
Consumers Industry Allied Health Australia’s rental crisis is pushing aged care workers ‘out of their own communities’ Rental stress is affecting the aged care workers that are caring for older Australians
Consumers Industry Caring & Carers Dementia may become the greatest threat to Aussie lives: here’s why The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released new data that highlights a shift in focus for health care may be needed...